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NEW ORLEANS– It’s hard on friendships right now, when you can’t hang out with your “best bud.” These friends are being kind by finding unique ways to show they care!

WGNO’s Kenny Lopez is compiling all these acts of kindness to share some good during these tough times.

In St. John the Baptist Parish, Two teens and best friends Gabrielle Treas and Luke Boucvalt decided to play a little back and forth costume game on Facebook. Both Gabrielle and Luke are entertainers who perform in plays at the River Parish Community Theater. Gabrielle played Annie in 2017, and Luke played Lumiere in Beauty and the Beast in 2018.

Their love for costuming is evident in what they are now doing while in quarantine.

“Me and my mom came up with a photo shoot to do like a character from Disney or something iconic, I would dress up and then send Luke and his mom a riddle the night before so they could get a costume together and take a picture as well. All the characters were famous duos over time,” Treas said.

“Gabrielle posted her pictures first and then an hour or so later I’d post my costume photo and the response we’d get was just amazing,” Boucvalt said.

“The reason we kept on doing this was to lift everyone’s spirits during this difficult time that we are all going through right now,” she said.

“Our motive is not only for our entertainment, but now for the entertainment of other people and bringing that joy and other comfort to other’s homes. Other families can see what we’re doing to survive this quarantine,” he said.

Then two other Uptown buddies are doing something cool. Max Wilson and Jonny Mann are sending sidewalk chalk messages back and forth to each other.

“Max’s drawings are awesome. He’s my best friend and I miss him a lot,” Mann said.

“He’s my favorite friend. He’s always going to be my favorite friend forever,” Wilson said.

If you know of someone doing acts of kindness, please send Kenny an e-mail with pictures and video to Kenny will be compiling all these acts of kindness to air in special reports on and our newscasts.