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Chef Aaron Burgau of Patois and Central City BBQ, Chef Eric Cook of Gris Gris, and Chef Nathan Richard of DTB Restauran

NEW ORLEANS – Chef Aaron Burgau of Patois and Central City BBQ, Chef Eric Cook of Gris Gris, and Chef Nathan Richard of DTB Restaurant present a special dinner in the new outdoor Kitchen in the Garden in the New Orleans Botanical Garden.

The four-course hunter’s feast will feature unique game-inspired dishes paired with specialty bourbons provided by Republic National Distributing Company.

During the evening, the chefs will share what inspired each dish, and Tracy and Barbara Napolitano, Official Bourbon Stewards, will discuss the differences between each bourbon that is sampled.

The evening’s three chefs hail from Louisiana and grew up cooking and eating every species of fowl from the region, and are excited to share their dishes.

The first course, prepared by Chef Richard, will be a sportsman’s gumbo made with several game birds and served with Birddog Bourbon.

Chef Cook will serve quail for the second course which will be paired with Buffalo Trace Bourbon.

The third course, duck with Breckenridge Bourbon, will be prepared by Chef Burgau. Richard will return with the dessert course paired with Weller Special Reserve Bourbon.

The event will take place on Tuesday, January 28 from 6 to 9 P.M. at Kitchen in the Garden, at the New Orleans Botanical Gardens, 5 Victory Park Drive, in the center of City Park.

Tickets to the Bourbon & Bird Hunter’s Dinner are $95 per person and can be purchased here.