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HAMMOND, La. (WGNO)- Glass blowing dates back to 5,000 years ago and glass blowing was originally used as a trading tool but now, we are using it as a creativity, fun aspect.

If you have ever wondered how sand turns to glass, wonder no more. Twist reporter Peyton LoCicero learns the art of blowing glass at Renaissance Festival.

“A little bit, that is actually a very hard thing to do because it is such a complex material. It is such a beautiful material,” Mark Haller , Glass Blower.

The crafter starts with a blow pipe.

“I am going to take my tool,” Haller told the crowd. ” This is actually the first time and last time that I am going to blow throw it.”

“Open this door, there is actually glass contained within this crucible inside. There is actually nearly 200 pounds of molten glass in there. I’m gonna take this thing and I am going to use it like it was a honey dipper.”

Once the glass is gathered on to the blow pipe, the creative and fun part begins. This is the step when the vibrant colors and textures are added to the glass.


Once that part is finished, the piece must cool before being shaped into a bowl, mug, glassware, etc.

“In the Renaissance time period, it was a very expensive thing. So, It was a very elites, only the wealthy had glass because it was so expensive.”

After 12 hours in the annealer, which is also known as the cooling oven, you have one of these, a hand crafted beautiful master piece.