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NEW ORLEANS–  Here’s a sweet story that  ‘Twilight’ actor Peter Facinelli posted to his Facebook about Gris Gris’ sous-chef Brooke Foster.   Facinelli is in New Orleans filming the movie called, “The Ravine.”  He stopped in for lunch at Gris Gris and Foster went up to the actor and showed him a picture they took together 10 years ago while he was in New Orleans filming “Twilight.”

In the Facebook post, Facinelli wrote:  “As I paid my check, Brooke, the sous -chef who cooked my food, came over and showed me a pic that we took 10 years ago and told me how she met me at a Twilight Signing 10 years ago. All these years later, but what feels like the blink of an eye, the Universe put us in the same room again. But now I can say, I am a fan of hers.  Brooke- thank you. The meal was incredible. Congratulations on your career. I’m glad our paths crossed again.”

Read the full post below:

WGNO talked with Brooke and she said, “I was shocked at first.  I couldn’t believe that he took the time to not only give the restaurant a shout-out but to say such kind things about me too.  Obviously he’s someone I’ve admired for years and to have that moment not only for myself, but to also get the professional recognition was just amazing.  I’m so grateful,” she said.

Peter Facinelli is best known for his roles in the hit “Twilight films, and for playing Mike Dexter in the 1998 film, “Can’t Hardly Wait.”  He’s also starred on numerous TV series including “Supergirl,” “Nurse Jackie,” and the FOX series “Fastlane.”

For more information about Gris Gris, click HERE.