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SEMINOLE, Okla. (KFOR) – A candidate for the Oklahoma House of Representatives is causing controversy because of his social media posts.

Jimmy Wood, a self-proclaimed American Nationalist, says his platform is America First, even more so than President Donald Trump.

“To the voters of Oklahoma, if you want a better future and a prosperous future that’s not just about GDP and never-ending wars, then vote for me,” Wood told KFOR.

24-year-old Wood’s decision to run for office stemmed from an online argument about constitutional carry laws with State Rep. Jason Dunnington, and Wood says that ended with state troopers being sent after him.

KFOR reached out to Dunnington’s office for comment but hasn’t heard back.

Many find Wood’s posts to be anti-minority, anti-Semitic, and anti-LGBT.

“It is sad at this point there is still someone trying to hold office that espouses those views that divide communities and dehumanize individuals rather than seeing our humanity as shared,” said Dr. Noel Jacobs, vice president of the Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma.

Wood says his primary concern is protecting the First Amendment.

“I feel if I do nothing, there’s a very strong chance the First Amendment won’t be here for my son, that they may take his son for something like preventing the spread of whiteness or something,” he said.

Wood denies criticism that he’s racist and says he just wants the country to prosper.

“I hope the best for everyone, and it’s not racist for white people to take their own side. It’s not wrong to be pro-white just like it’s not wrong to be pro-black or pro-Asian or pro-Jew. It’s not wrong for anyone to be like that, it’s natural, and everyone does it,” he said.

The Interfaith Alliance says they invite Wood to get to know people of other backgrounds.

“When you don’t spend time learning and experiencing contact with people in other cultures it might be easy to let ignorance turn into fear, and I believe some individuals and some candidates prey on fear and the lack of knowledge people have about people who are different than them,” Jacobs said.