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NEW ORLEANS – Let’s see what Test Kitchen Taylor is cooking up today!

It’s October, which means that Test Kitchen Taylor is cooking up some spooktacular treats.

Spaghetti Monsters
1 16 oz. package spaghetti
Orange and Purple Food Coloring
1/4 cup pesto
Fresh mozzarella, sliced
Stuffed Olives

Boil two large pots of water on the stove.
Once the water reaches a boil, add half of the package of spaghetti to each pot, along with a dash of salt.
Add about 1/4 tsp of orange food coloring to one pot, and 1/4 tsp of purple food coloring to the other pot.
Cook spaghetti and drain.
Usually, I’d say never rinse your pasta, but for this recipe, rinse well or else everyone will be covered in purple dye!
Top with pesto.
Place a few mozzarella slices on pasta.
Slice a green olive so that it has two flat sides.
Place on top of mozzarella slice to make eyes.

Do you have a recipe that you want Test Kitchen Taylor, Tamica and LBJ to try? Send it to us at!