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BOSTON – A “Straight Pride” parade in downtown Boston Saturday afternoon attracted counterprotesters — and a large police presence.

The parade started around noon at Copley Square and moved down Boylston and Tremont streets to conclude at City Hall Plaza.

Floats and signs expressed pro-military and pro-Trump sentiments, such as “Support our troops” and “Build the wall and crime will fall.” A man in a jester’s hat carried a sign saying “Great to be straight” as he danced down the street.

A large number of counterprotesters showed up to taunt the marchers and chant, “Alt right, get off our streets, no justice, no peace.”

At police they chanted, “Who do you serve? Who do you protect?”

“I’m outraged by the idea that straight people need a pride parade,” said parade watcher Shoshanna Ehrlich, who came to the parade with her daughter. “We are not an oppressed majority by an stretch of the imagination. This is full of hate and offensive.”

Video showed officers taking at least one person into custody, but authorities released no official information on arrests by mid-afternoon.

Boston police prohibited parking along the parade route and put out an advisory saying people should not bring strollers, backpacks and large bags into the area. Video of the event showed officers searching at least one backpack.

The parade was organized by Super Happy Fun America, which says it “advocates on behalf of the straight community in order to build respect.”

“The Straight Pride Event will be held to achieve inclusivity and spread awareness of issues impacting straights in Greater Boston and beyond,” the group’s website said.

Milo Yiannopoulos, a right-wing political commentator and writer, was the grand marshal.