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(Photo by Chris Graythen/Getty Images)

NEW ORLEANS – The $3.5 million donation, made through the Gayle and Tom Benson Charitable Foundation, is the largest monetary donation to Second Harvest in its 37-year history.

“I am honored to be able to support the mission to fight hunger,” Mrs. Benson said. “The staff and volunteers of Second Harvest do so much for so many, and they use every dollar donated to them to meet the needs of people who do not have enough food.  I am happy to help make sure that they have the infrastructure they need to do their critical work. ”

Founded in 1982 by Archbishop Philip Hannan, Benson says the mission of Second Harvest is built on the words of Matthew 25:40. “We all know we will one day explain how we lived our lives on this Earth. We live every day reminded, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Serving 23 parishes, Second Harvest makes more than 32 million meals a year available to hungry South Louisiana residents.

The large donation will be by the 200,000 square-foot Harahan-area facility, to purchase a new roof, upgrade climate control, expand office space, and create an upgraded food-donation facility.