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CHICAGO — R&B singer R. Kelly has been charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse involving four victims, including at least three victims between the ages of 13 and 17, according to WGN.

Aggravated criminal sexual abuse is a Class 2 felony, punishable by three to seven years in prison; probation is also an option.

At a news conference Friday, the Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx described the charges, which span from 1998 to 2010.

Foxx said 52-year-old Kelly will be in bond court Saturday afternoon.

This all started when Foxx made a public plea for anyone with accusations against Kelly to come forward following the release of the lifetime documentary “Surviving R. Kelly.”

Attorney Michael Avenatti, who represents whistle-blowers and alleged victims in the case, said he handed over a VHS tape to Foxx’s office that he claims clearly shows Kelly having sex with a 14-year-old girl.

This is the second time Kelly has been charged with a sex crime by Cook County prosecutors. He went to trial on child pornography charges back in 2008 and was found not guilty.

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