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NEW ORLEANS – When does that song That Old Black Magic become Hollywood movie magic?

WGNO News with a Twist features guy Wild Bill Wood says, right now!

That’s because it’s the song that transports music students and teachers at Loyola University in New Orleans from a rehearsal hall all the way to Hollywood.

And that’s all the way to Hollywood and into the five-time Oscar nominated movie Green Book.

Green Book is the story of a piano player and his driver on a concert tour in the south in the 60’s.

When Hollywood producers needed a a New Orleans band to strike up the right beat, the Loyola Ensemble showed up for the soundtrack.

And just like that, a college kid goes from student playing a saxophone to movie star.

Loyola music student Noah Boshara says, “it’s like one day sitting in classroom, next day face on big screen.

It’s like going from regular old life in black and white, to full-fledge color.

Wild Bill asks Brett Cole a sophomore trumpet player, “did you have to have a Hollywood makeover?”

Brett Cole says, “I got my hair cut, gel, slicked back it looked great.”

Wild Bill follows up by asking, “anything for your trumpet?”

Brett Cole says as he plays his trumpet, “no, it works fine.”

But in the movies, sometimes what you see is not what you hear. In Green Book, you see the Loyola University music guys playing but what you hear is another band in a separate recording studio.

It’s Hollywood magic to get perfect sound quality.

Wild Bill says to Peter Nionakis, “you were sort of lip synching with your trumpet, really acting?”

Sounds like That Old Black Magic may be magic.

The song was originally written for a movie in 1942.

Now it’s back on the big screen. And it’s giving a group of New Orleans jazz makers a moment in the spotlight.

And for a moment, free Hollywood haircuts.

Green Book is nominated for Best Picture which you’ll see on the Oscars, Sunday night February 24 on WGNO ABC – 26 followed by News with a Twist after the Oscars.
Giving a group of New Orleans jazz makers a moment in the spotlight…..and free….Hollywood haircuts.