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NEW ORLEANS — From bedazzled canes to sparkling crowns, we’re taking a look at how the Mercy Endeavors Senior Center celebrates their own version of a Mardi Gras Ball.

Tables are adorned with hand-crafted decorations made by the seniors, and everyone is in their best attire.

The ball kicks off with a prayer and then the presentation of the royal court.

This year’s queen is 89 year old Eunice Nero.

“It makes you feel that you are kind of special. You know, and you say ‘Who am I that I should be granted this privilege?” says Eunice.

Eunice is an active member of the center and even helps in creating special activities.

“I started writing plays and getting them involved and participating, and they were so excited. So now, every year, there is a different play that I write,” says Eunice.

This year’s king is “DJ Captain Charles.”

He’s been offering his services to the senior center for years by playing music and starting up some unique dance competitions.

“I like the energy that they have. Every year, they want to dance. They want to have fun, and then it’s a blessing for me when they’re excited when I come,” says Charles.

The seniors all agree that age is just a number, and this is the time to live life to the fullest.

“There’s a time for everything. That’s what the Bible says, and we go by God’s word. This is one of those times, time to dance, time to mourn, time to laugh. So, this is a time to be happy and rejoice,” says Eunice.

Mercy Endeavors Senior Center offers daily recreation and social activities and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

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