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NEW ORLEANS– After last week’s devastating loss to the Los Angeles Rams, Saints Quarterback Drew Brees wrote this letter to Saints fans.

He posted this inspirational message to Instagram describing his feelings over what happened in the game that has set off a national frenzy over the “no-call” for pass interference in overtime.

Drew Brees is always one to remain positive when times are tough, and we love him for that!  Who Dat!

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I’ve spent this last week navigating the heartache and disappointment from the game. Some things within our control and some outside our control that caused us to fall short. So much of our motivation is to represent the Who Dat Nation with determination and resiliency. We want to play for you, fight for you, and win for you. You deserve that. The longer I play I realize that we truly are one heartbeat with our fans. Our success is your success. Our disappointment is your disappointment. We are inspired by one another to accomplish things far greater than what we could ever do on our own. Everything that has ever happened to this community, we have bonded together, galvanized and leaped forward every time. The frustration we feel now can be channeled in the same way. Pour that passion and emotion into your families and communities. Inspire others with your focus & determination and positive outlook. This will make us stronger, this will bond us tighter, this will be a source for our success in the future. There is no place like New Orleans. There is no community like ours. No fans like the Who Dat Nation. I refuse to let this hold us down. I refuse to let this create any negativity or resentment. I embrace the challenge. So keep your chin up, hold your head high, puff your chest out because WE are the Who Dat Nation and WE will always persevere.

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