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NEW ORLEANS – Al d’Aquin, Jr. has created a new song that perfectly captures the feelings of Saints fans everywhere in the wake of the infamous “no-call” in the fourth quarter of the NFC Championship game.

The song, called “Bull****” went viral on Facebook within hours after d’Aquin posted it on January 22, with over 23,000 shares and over 1,000 comments to date.

“All right folks, here it is, the new song,” d’Aquin says in the video. “I just wrote it today. It pretty much sums up what happened to the New Orleans Saints this past weekend.”

The title and chorus of the song, which echo what many fans screamed as they watched missed call in the big game, should not be repeated in mixed company.

The lyrics, however, describe the situation perfectly.

“The game was set, the dome was packed, we didn’t know that the deck was stacked,” d’Aquin sings. “You changed the game, they changed history, with a call so bad, even Ray Charles could see. Now I don’t care if Roger Goodell throws a fit, but that referee’s call was a bunch of…”

Saints fans everywhere can, have, and should fill in that last word as loudly as possible.