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Tamworth, NH — A Chocorua father is accused of assaulting his 2-year-old son earlier this month, leaving the boy with injuries so severe that he is now in a medically induced coma.

The details of the case revealed in court documents are so disturbing that they’re difficult to stomach even for veteran investigators.

“It really hits home with DCYF workers, medical professionals and certainly our investigators,” said Lt. Jim Fogarty, of New Hampshire State Police.

Detectives wrote that 23-year-old Ryan Upson took his son to a local emergency room, claiming the child was hurt after falling from a high chair.

But multiple injuries to the boy’s head and chest did not add up for doctors, so they called the police.

While talking with officers, Upson changed his story and said he hit the boy once in the chest, causing him to fall and hit his head.

The boy was eventually flown to an out-of-state hospital, where he underwent neurosurgery and is recovering from several strokes related to his injuries. The child is also unable to move one side of his body.

According to court documents, Upson returned home to clean up blood and vomit that was left behind after his son was flown to the hospital.

Upson was arrested Wednesday and charged with first-degree assault and falsifying physical evidence.

“It is a very serious charge. First-degree assault means the defendant caused serious bodily injury, either recklessly or knowingly,” Fogarty said.

Upson pleaded not guilty in Carroll County Superior Court on Thursday morning. He is being held on $50,000 cash bail.

There was no answer at the family’s home on Deer Hill Road in the Chocorua area of Tamworth.

News 9 learned that the Division for Children, Youth and Families received calls about the home prior to this investigation, most recently in October.

DCYF is investigating the current case.

“I’ll tell you that a 2-year-old child is one of our most vulnerable citizens. So this is a very disturbing investigation for everyone involved in it,” Fogarty said.