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LAPLACE, LA – Federal agents served a pair of search warrants on the office of New Orleans Saints superfan Jarrius “JJ” Robertson’s foundation as well as Robertson’s father’s home early this morning.

Both search warrants were executed at 6 a.m. on October 24, according to Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Debbie Webber.

A task force made up of DEA agents and various local law enforcement officers searched the LaPlace offices of JJ Robertson’s “It Takes Lives to Save Lives” foundation as well as the Reserve home of Jordy Robertson, JJ’s father.

“Most DEA investigations do have a drug nexus, and that’s typically how we start our investigations,” Webber said. “They [the investigations] do end up leading into other areas, because we follow the money trail in any drug investigation.”

Webber said the foundation, which grew out of JJ Robertson’s own struggles to secure life-saving liver transplants, was essentially operating as a business out of the LaPlace office.

A task force lead by DEA agents requested the search warrants as part of a larger investigation, Webber said, but she declined to give any further details of that investigation.

Webber said she could not recall any DEA investigations that involved searches of charitable foundations in the past five years.

The search warrants are sealed and are expected to remain sealed while the task force continues the investigation and a judge reviews the information collected, Webber said.