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COVINGTON, La. — Each child needs a boost of encouragement in order to chase their dreams.

That’s why several organizations in Covington are teaming up to make sure no child is left behind on the journey to success.

Enter the Kiwanis Club of greater Covington and their partnership with Families Helping Families.

The two have teamed up to give a kindergartner who has autism a free i-pad!

“Sometimes people with autism can’t express their feelings like other people can so if he has an i-pad with a communication app that will let him say ‘I don’t feel good,’ or, ‘I have a stomach ache,’ rather than just crying because he can’t express that. I mean that is life changing,” says Katie Corkern the Executive Director of Families Helping Families on the Northshore.

Young Brycen and his mother were handed this electronic device that many kids are familiar with.

Brycen immediately went for the on button and he smiled from ear to ear and gave everyone around him a high five.

“Our kids are different, but they are the same and they just want to be loved and acknowledged and accepted the same as any other kid,” says Brycen’s mom, Nhi-Kiesha Elvy.

This is just one out of several outreach programs that the Kiwanis club spearheads in their community.

“Kiwanis is all about children. You know, focusing on their growth as an individual, their character, their identity. If we can come in and partner with other organizations that have children issues, then we want to be there as part of that whole process,” says Dan Johnson, President of Kiwanis Club of greater Covington.

So, by working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.