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Pets are like family for most of us and that means we need to take the same precautions for them as we would any other family member. That means remembering to have the basics on hand in your hurricane preparedness kits: seven to ten days worth of food, medicines, and vaccination records.

Another great idea for your pets is to have them microchipped. A microchip is placed just under their skin and should you ever become separated from our pet, most shelters and veterinarians can just scan them and have your contact information instantly.

If you don’t have to evacuate, you still need to do a few things due to the stress and anxiety a storm will bring with it. Keep your pets with you because if you need to find better shelter, you don’t want to run around chasing them and lose precious time.

Consider crating your pets during the worst of the storm. Stress can lead to erratic behaviors and a carrier can often times provide comfortable sights and smells to help keep them calm. Also secure doors and windows, including pet doors, to help prevent your pet from escaping outdoors.

A pet is part of your family, so make sure to give them the same thought and attention when coming up with and executing your hurricane preparedness plans.