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NEW ORLEANS — Mayor Mitch Landrieu is counting down his final days in office. His last day as mayor is Sunday, May 6.

News with a Twist got to sit down with the mayor and have a fun chat.

Here’s 60 seconds with Mayor Mitch Landrieu:

Favorite cocktail? Gin and tonic

Best hamburger place? Snug Harbor

Tulane or Loyola? Loyola

Favorite jazz musician? Wynton Marsalis and Trombone Shorty

Muffuletta or po-boy? Po-boy, although I like muffulettas too. It depends what the best po-boy is and what you’re going to get. If you want oysters you go to Domilise’s. Roast beef you go to Parkway. You got a hot sausage sandwich, you go to Gene’s.

Favorite snoball flavor? Oh that’s complicated, too. It could be chocolate, but it’s got to have cream in it.

Saints or Pelicans? Oh, come on!

Dixie or Abita? Dixie

Gumbo or turtle soup? Well, it depends. Is it chicken and andouille gumbo?

Your idol growing up? My daddy.

Shrimp or oysters?  It depends on what day it is and where you get it from. If I was going to get my shrimp, I’d get it from P&G or Brioche. Or I’d get my oysters from Domilise’s.

Trait you most admire? Intellectual curiosity

Political science or theater? Can I tell you something? I got stuck doing this. I wanted to be a Broadway actor and singer. That’s what I wanted to do. My daddy saw me audition, true story, and he said to me, “Boy, I love you but you need something to fall back on.” That’s true.

Iowa or New Hampshire? I don’t like either of those places. I mean I love them both, but I ain’t going to either one of them.

What actor would play you in a movie? Denzel Washington