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NEW ORLEANS– At the beginning of the season, News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez asked local celebrities to predict what the Saints record would be for the season?  Take a look at what they said:

Well now, only one guessed correctly, and that is Cookie Rojas, the general manager of the New Orleans Baby Cakes.  He guessed the Saints would go 11-5, and they did.  Listen to what he said on how he predicted the Saints winning season.

“I think I’ve been connected to Dionne Warwick’s Psychic Hotline for quite some time.  I think they still  have my credit card information,” Rojas jokingly said.

“Well I was shocked that I was actually accurate.  I was very excited to see that I was able to predict their record.  For me it really was all about the running game.  I thought they’d be able to run the ball this year,” he said.

Rojas proved he is a psychic powerhouse when it comes to the Saints.   The last time the Saints won the Super Bowl in 2009, Rojas bet that they would win and won some money in Las Vegas.

So we just had to ask Rojas what his prediction is for the Saints and the Super Bowl.

“I think they’ll make it to the Super Bowl.  I feel like they will be playing the New England Patriots, but I do think the Patriots will win 27-23.

Let’s hope that prediction of the Patriots beating the Saints doesn’t come true!

Rojas also said in the past many of his other predictions have come true.  He predicted that he’d have a career in professional sports.  He also predicted that the New Orleans Baby Cakes’ logo would be Logo Mania’s #1 log in baseball.

For more information about the New Orleans Baby Cakes, click HERE.