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NEW ORLEANS- Do you have an anniversary coming up?

There is a Cajun style anniversary gift guide floating around and we here at Twist decided to have some fun with it.

So if you found your love in Louisiana, check it out!

1st anniversary:

A link of boudin and a foot massage.

5th anniversary:

A new rice cooker and a can of “Off.”

10th anniversary:

Stuffed Nutria Rat, and a Duck Dynasty DVD.

15th anniversary:

$20 gift card to Prejean’s.

20th anniversary: 

Wayne Toups tickets and a 40 oz. can of Bud Light.

30th anniversary: 

30 pound bag of crawfish and a sack of potatoes.

40th anniversary:

$50 gift card to Popeyes.

50th anniversary: 

Romantic trip to Avery Island then to Cypress Bayou Casino.