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NEW ORLEANS – The Music and Culture Coalition of New Orleans is putting together the “Good Visitor’s Guide to New Orleans,” a free brochure that provides tips for tourists on how to respectfully and sustainably enjoy and support our city and traditions.

Before the coalition designs it, organizers want to hear from you: what do you think tourists need to know when they visit?

“We’re not looking to necessarily highlight specific ordinances, but rather encourage good practices; for example, leaving an appropriate tip for the band, advice on being a good visitor if you are staying in a neighborhood, a reminder not to cross the ropes at a second line, or when it is–and is not–appropriate to take photographs,” members said.

So, what do you think visitors to the city need to know? Fill out this google form or e-mail your thoughts to  The deadline for submission is March 22

You can also access the google form here.