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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — Despite limited availability, Apple is pushing its AirPod Bluetooth headphones with a new ad campaign.

The company’s first-ever wireless earbuds, unveiled this past fall, received widespread ridicule online.  However, when the devices were actually released in December, the reviews were much more positive.

The new advertising campaign aims to show how freely you can move while wearing them, because the headphones do not have a cord attached.

All four of the black and white commercials feature the song ‘Down’ by Marian Hill, with a dancer defying gravity on the streets, windows and walls of Mexico City.  They refer to the AirPods as “Practically Magic.”

The ads also appear to address the concern by many that the pricey headphones could easily fall out and get lost.

However, with a $150 price tag, it remains to be seen if the AirPod’s strong sales will continue.