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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – More than 220,000 early votes have been cast so far across Louisiana for the presidential election, with women and Democrats casting more votes than their counterparts.

According to a report published today by the Louisiana Secretary of State, a total of 228,865 votes have been cast statewide since early voting began on Tuesday, October 25.

Forty-six percent of those votes, or 105,430, were cast by Democrats, while about 39 percent, 89,083, were cast by registered Republicans. Fifteen percent of early voters aren’t registered to either party.

Locally, Democrats outvoted Republicans in Orleans Parish by 700 percent in the first week of early voting. Only 2,081 registered Republicans cast votes, compared to 16,528 registered Democrats.

The numbers in Jefferson Parish were a lot closer, but Democrats still came out on top with 7,051 early votes cast compared to 5,373 Republican votes.

The trend is flipped in St. Tammany Parish, however, where Republicans outvoted Democrats by a margin of two to one.

St. Tammany came in well above most parishes in the number of early voters not registered to either party with 3,567, compared to the state average of just 537.

Just under 130,000 women cast early votes, outmatching their male counterparts by about 30,000 votes.

The gender gap was stark in Jefferson and Orleans Parishes. Sixty percent of voters were female in each parish, with males accounting for the remaining 40 percent.

In St. Tammany Parish, the gap was a bit closer, with women accounting for 56 percent of early voters, and men making up about 44 percent.

While voters are free to cross party lines when casting a vote, the numbers from the first week of early voting indicate that Democratic women were much more motivated to head to the polls as early as possible.

Early voting runs through November 1.