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To stop the violence in many of America’s cities, it will take a movement. And, New Orleans artist Blonka happens to have one.

It’s called the Blonka Movement. The website, fittingly, is  It is a movement of peace, positivity, and good music.

“What I wanted to do was make a diverse group of music where I can inspire people, but, also, it won’t be in a violent way,” says Blonka. “So, I came up with the song ‘America’s Watching.'”

The song “America’s Watching” and the video is full of calls for peace and unity (“U-N-I-T-Y”), “Stop the Violence” signs and positive statements about racial harmony.

“At the end of the day, if we come together and stick to the main thing, which is love, that song [‘America’s Watching’] will bring out positivity in each person,” says Blonka. “Sometimes, all a person needs is an open ear and an open mind.”

But, lyrics–or words–are only part of the movement. Action is the other part.

Every two months, Blonka holds a Stop the Violence and Feed the Hungry Event. The next event is Monday, July 25, at Armstrong Park in New Orleans. She, and whoever else wants to help out, will meet at the Treme Recreation Community Center, 900 N. Villere St., at 3 p.m. and then head over to the arches at Armstrong Park. They will set up and pass out “really good soul food,” as she put it.

Blonka credits her English honors teacher at Warren Easton High School with inspiring her to volunteer. Getting out in the community and doing something is part of the Blonka Movement.

“I started my own thing Stop the Violence and Feed the Hungry with Blonka,” she says. “I just tried to create a positive movement. And, it’s going pretty good.”

Blonka is working on a mix tape and has singles available on iTunes. For more about Blonka and the Blonka Movement, here are the links:

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