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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – Everyone has dreamed of being in movies, but what if you’re not an actor? You could always have your house in a movie and still be a star.

If movies aren’t filming on a sound stage, they’re on location, in a neighborhood, filming at a house someone owns.

Productions that come to Hollywood South  goes out with local scouts to find that perfect house for the scene. Each city is different when it comes to scouting for homes. Some cities have an online database where you can sign up your home and post pictures for productions to see.

New Orleans however, has local scouting agents that know the area well. Though the Big Easy has a location database site online, it’s rarely used. 95% of homes in New Orleans chosen to be in films were spotted out in person. So it’s basically luck.

So let’s say the next Hollywood Blockbuster wants to use your home. Make sure you know your demands when the contract is handed to you. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground and make sure production knows the do’s and don’ts.

Once everything is finalized, depending on how much of the house they need, production will put your family up in a nice hotel, and also pay for the time your house is being used! Watch out when the movie is released though, you could have a flood wall of tourists taking selfies in front of your house.

So you never know who the next person knocking on your door will be. It could be Hollywood!