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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO)- We have our own version of the “Running of the Bulls” here in New Orleans, it’s called San Fermin in Nueva Orleans.  Only ours is with The Big Easy Rollergirls  chasing everyone while wearing roller skates and they hit everyone with plastic bats.  It’s similar to the one in Spain, but our bulls arre derby girls.

News with a Twist Reporter Kenny Lopez caught up with a few of the gals, while they’re getting ready to do some serious spanking at Saturday’s event!


In Spain, they run from ferocious bulls, but here in NOLA we run from fierce roller derby girls.

Big Easy Rollergirls like “Rosemary’s Baby” and “Ultra Violet” are getting ready for the “Running of the Bulls”.

“I’m looking forward to spanking people,” Ultra Violet said.

The biggest gratification for them is the sound of the bat meeting the booty.

“Ewww that sound.  The whack it makes is just the best sound for me,” Rosemary’s Baby said.

There are a few surefire ways that that you’ll get spanked and hard!

“My biggest pet-peeve is when people are on their cell phones during the run.  If you’re checking your Twitter, then I’m going to smack your booty,”  Rosemary’s Baby said.


“It will be annoying if you spill your beer, so don’t spill your drink,” Ultra Violet said.

Rosemary’s Baby calls her spanking technique: “The Baby’s Booty Bruiser”.

“I come from behind and then I hit you three times,” she said.

As for Ultra Violet, she calls her signature spanking move: “The Ultra Violet Violent Kiss”.

“You wind up and then you pop the booty,” she said.

The procession of San Fermin starts at 7:15 a.m. on Saturday, while the run begins at 8 a.m.  The run begins at The Sugar Mill, which is across the street from the Convention Center.

The event is open to the public, but if you’d like to attend the official San Fermin in Nueva Orleans party, you must register online.

For all the information, click HERE.