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Mardi Gras started before the sun came up in Treme with the North Side Skull and Bones Gang.

The gang dates back to the early 1800s, and while they assume the job of waking up the Crescent City for a raucous Carnival Day, they’re message is not all fun and games.

News With a Twist’s LBJ and photographer Ed Matthews caught up with North Side’s leader Bruce “Sunpie” Barnes.

He says, “We have a serious side to what we do, and we try to remind people about living a good productive life. ‘Hey man, repent while you have a chance. Put some love in your heart, and forget about all of those negative things that will get you in the ground way too soon.'”

“Our whole message and out motto is YOU NEXT.”

The gang and followers woke up the spirits throughout the neighborhood with their paper mache’ masks, drummers, and costumes.