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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — In the United States, women earn about 78 cents to a man’s dollar. But at GoDaddy, women actually make more than their male counterparts.

That’s notable, considering the criticism GoDaddy has faced for showing scantily clad women in its advertisements — a practice it has since discontinued.

Female GoDaddy employees are paid about a penny more for every dollar a male employee makes. Though that’s true on the whole, there are still roles within the company where men still get paid better. For example, in tech roles, GoDaddy’s female staff members make marginally less (0.1%) than men, or about 99 cents to a dollar.

The gap is bigger at management levels, where female execs earn 96 cents to a man’s dollar.

GoDaddy says the company is looking into why there’s still a pay difference for certain jobs, but has a few theories, including how long executives have been in their roles, and differences in starting salaries.

Although the company has made progress on pay parity, GoDaddy discovered it still needs to do more to improve gender diversity.

“[GoDaddy] specifically analyzed software development engineers and software development test engineers, and found that in both categories, the population of women decreases as the seniority level increases,” the company said in a statement.

In three software development categories, GoDaddy actually has no women in those roles.

Wednesday’s announcement was the first-ever for GoDaddy. Releasing diversity statistics to the public has become a new annual practice for the likes of Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

Yet GoDaddy is alone in disclosing pay differences between genders.

Like GoDaddy, a host of large and small tech companies also pledged to pay more attention to their hiring practices earlier this summer.

The National Venture Capital Association — which includes 45 VC firms like Andreessen Horowitz and Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers — committed to advancing opportunities for women and underrepresented minorities. That includes measuring and reporting diversity numbers at their firms and portfolio companies.

Companies like Xerox and Box promise to interview at least one woman and one underrepresented minority for every senior level position.

And startups including Pinterest have made similar announcements.