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President Biden on Monday condemned the violence against protesters in Iran and said the U.S. will be imposing further costs on perpetrators of the violence against demonstrators.

The president in a statement said an announcement on the “further costs” will come this week and that the U.S. plans to hold Iranian officials accountable and support the rights of Iranians to protest freely.

“For decades, Iran’s regime has denied fundamental freedoms to its people and suppressed the aspirations of successive generations through intimidation, coercion, and violence. The United States stands with Iranian women and all the citizens of Iran who are inspiring the world with their bravery,” Biden said.

Iranian women have been protesting the government following the death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was arrested by the Morality Police two weeks ago. Biden said in his statement that the U.S. is holding accountable Iranian officials and entities like the Morality Police, which are the government’s enforces of the Islamic code of conduct in Iran.

The president said that the U.S. is also making it easier for Iranians to access the Internet, including by facilitating access to secure, outside platforms. Biden said he is “gravely concerned” about the “intensifying violent crackdown.”

Earlier on Monday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the White House is “alarmed and appalled” by reports of crackdown on students’ peaceful protests.

“They are rightly [enraged] by the death of Mahsa Amini, the Iranian government’s treatment of women and girls, and the ongoing violent crackdown on peaceful protests,” she told reporters.

“This weekend’s crackdowns are precisely the sort of behavior that drives Iran’s talented young people to leave a country by the thousands to seek the dignity and opportunity elsewhere,” she added.