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LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) — U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy spent the morning in Lafayette, meeting with area mayors about infrastructure, but also speaking about his desire to reach a compromise on gun rights and gun control.

In the wake of protests against gun violence and the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to expand gun rights, Cassidy said compromise starts with enforcing preventative measures. Specifically, he mentioned the Senate’s bipartisan bill that allocates $12 billion for mental health services and bolsters security in schools. The bill passed the Senate in response to the Uvalde, Tx., school shooting.

“If you care about the Second Amendment, you really have to care that people who should not have weapons do not have them,” said Cassidy.

However, gun violence also exists outside of the classroom, which Cassidy says is cause for legislation to tighten up gun laws.

“If you look at the main areas we are having death from guns, it’s rampage shooting, domestic violence, criminals, and teen suicide,” Cassidy said. “In all these measures, there is something to address the issues all while protecting the Second Amendment.”

Cassidy said consequences for mishandling a firearm also need to be increased.

“The evidence has to be presented and of a certain quality,” he said. “We have increased evidence standards, but we also say that if you’re a guy that beats up your girlfriend, then you can’t go out and buy a gun next week.”