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METAIRIE (WGNO)— Lake Pontchartrain will be getting roughly $10-million dollars for the next five years with funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which will help improve Lake Pontchartrain.

The lake has seen a renaissance in recent years because of federal funding, which helped to clean up the lake.

“Now it has been transformed and not only can you boat in it, but you can swim in it,” Senator Bill Cassidy said.

Senator Cassidy went on to say, “When this started there were no pelicans on the lake, now once more we have them.”

Senator Bill Cassidy met with local leaders to discuss how best to use the funding.

“Now the wonderful challenge before us, how is it we decide how the lake will look going forward,” he said.

Leaders want the money to be used for storm and flood protection, as well as more recreational activities like kayaking and canoeing.

As for the folks who use the lake they are pretty happy at the future potential of a greater Lake Pontchartrain.

Michael Temple said. “I think anytime government funds are sent to improve the environment and the community to get people active and keep the ecosystem healthy that is what we want.”

Michael Enger said, “Just anything to get people out of their house to come out and enjoy the lake, stay active, and keeps them in shape.”

This is on top of an additional two million dollars the lake already gets from the EPA for this current year.