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NEW YORK ( — Talk about stinky guesses. A new survey finds one in six American Wordle players like to complete their daily puzzle while sitting on the toilet!

In a poll of more than 1,000 Wordle players, commissioned by Solitaired, researchers found the massively popular game has become a daily obsession for more than half the people who play it (54%). Another one in four people play Wordle multiple times a week.

According to the survey, it seems many people have Wordle on the brain right when they wake up. Over four in 10 respondents say they play the game on their phone first thing in the morning. In fact, only 13 percent wait until lunch and just 22 percent are able to hold off solving the day’s Wordle until the evening.

Interestingly, those that do play at night seemingly all play at the same times. The most common situations Americans turn to Wordle in are right before falling asleep (26%) or right after getting home from work (26%). One in four play right when they wake up in the morning and 16 percent take the game with them to the bathroom. Another 23 percent sneak in their daily round while at work.

Luckily, Americans aren’t sitting on the toilet all day or neglecting their work — the poll finds around seven in 10 players take less than 10 minutes to finish the puzzle.

If at first you don’t succeed — cheat?

With only six guesses to get the daily Wordle, plenty of players say they feel the pressure to win — even if it means cheating. The survey finds more than one in 10 people admit they cheat to solve the daily puzzle.

The most common ways are by searching for the answer online (48%), using a word list (42%), or by asking someone for hints (20%). Although it might be debatable that a word list is really cheating, six in 10 people think it is. Moreover, if you do cheat at Wordle, don’t tell anyone! It turns out 48 percent of Americans think less of someone who cheats at Wordle.

Overall, a majority of respondents say it takes them four guesses to successfully get the daily Wordle (58%). Meanwhile, 25 percent crack the code in three tries, which is the amount most people (61%) consider to be a “good” Wordle score. If you’re among the one percent of players who finish Wordle in two tries, try not to brag — 29 percent of Americans think people who regularly finish Wordle in two or three attempts are cheaters.

To share or not to share?

For many players, completing the daily Wordle is just the first step — now they have to share their score! The poll finds 26 percent of players regularly share their score on social media (35%) and through text messages with friends and family (53%).

Unfortunately for them, most people just don’t care! Seven in 10 respondents say they’re indifferent to seeing someone’s Wordle score. Another 12 percent say they dislike it and just 18 percent enjoy when someone shares their game score.

Among those who don’t enjoy all the sharing, 57 percent think it’s annoying and 39 percent call it “pointless.” For those you like seeing these scores, a whopping 71 percent say it’s fun seeing how many guesses it took someone else to finish Wordle.

Whether Americans play by themselves or with their friends, one thing’s for sure, no one wants to pay to play Wordle. Nine in 10 respondents say they would stop playing the game if The New York Times started charging for the online puzzle.