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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – A group of concerned citizens converged on Senator Bill Cassidy’s office in Metairie to protest Betsy DeVos, President Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education.

The protest was one of more than 100 held nationwide on what was dubbed #ResistTrumpTuesday, with a focus on his cabinet selections, dubbed the #SwampCabinet.

Organized by, the Working Families Party, and People’s Action, the movement was designed “to urge the Senate to delay Cabinet confirmations until Americans can learn more about each nominee and the real threat they pose,” according to the groups.

“On Tuesday, we’re sending a clear message to Senator Bill Cassidy, the media, and the public that Trump’s #SwampCabinet is not what America wants or needs,” said Sue Mobley, the CITY MoveOn member hosting the rally. “They need to hear from us before this parade of greed and hate is confirmed, this is a Cabinet that will attack working people, civil liberties, and the environment, while benefiting their fellow billionaires and corporations.”

“Donald Trump riled up crowds claiming he’d ‘drain the swamp’ and chase corruption out of Washington,” said Organizing Director Vicki Kaplan. “But so far his politics have only furthered a culture of corruption, and nowhere is that clearer than in the greed and hate embodied by the nominees to his Swamp Cabinet. No wonder the Republicans are rushing them through and hoping the American people don’t get a good look at these nominees, who have built their own power and wealth at the expense of the rest of us.”

In addition to DeVos, the groups are also protesting the nominations of Jeff Sessions for Attorney General and Tom Price for Health and Human Services head.