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NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) – She’s a Catholic icon whose story begins in 1917 when she spoke to three children and told them about the peace plan from heaven.

“God is reminding us through Mary that we are not helpless, that what we do and the way that we live our lives and things that we do devotionally, can help to bring peace into this world,” says the custodian of the statue, Larry Maginot.

Almost 100 years later, her message rings true for believers who now have a chance to view this world famous statue representing Our Lady of Fatima in New Orleans.

“Even Lucia, the oldest of the three children, the one that lived into adulthood, when she saw it for the first time after it was completed, she said this is the best likeness she has seen,” says Maginot.

And she helped make it happen, giving guidance to the Portuguese artist who sculpted the three-and-a-half-foot tall mahogany image.

Since 1947, the sculpture has traveled around the world many times, visiting more than 100 countries and bringing a great message of salvation and hope.

“She promises ‘in the end my immaculate heart will triumph in the world and an era of peace will be granted to the world,’ and so come and see her yourself, let her speak to your heart,” says Maginot.

Click here for a list of churches and times you can visit the statue.